Lummeca (IPL)

LUMECCA is a breakthrough intense pulsed light (IPL) that delivers up to 3X more energy in the 500-600 nm range to improve efficacy for vascular and pigmented lesions.

For patients looking to address facial pigmentation, superficial vessels, skin and/ or photodamage, IPL is the optimal solution. IPL Treatments improve skin complexion, reduce skin irregularities, and helps patients look years younger. IPL “photofacial” helps address age spots (red/brown pigmentation), sun damage, vascular lesions (spider veins, port wine stains, leg telangiectasias), rosacea and freckles.

Vascular Lesions Browns and Reds Vascular lesions Port wine stains Truncal and leg telangiectasias Rosacea Angiomas Pigmented Lesions Benign Pigmented Epidermal Lesions Hyperpigmentation Dyschromia Ephelides (Freckles)

Watch the video to see how amazing this treatment is!

CALL 715-202-2061 FOR A CONSULT


Lumecca Before and After Sun Spots