Our Vision


We want to return the primary care experience to a real partnership between patient and physician, by offering advanced primary healthcare that is accessible, personal, comprehensive, well-coordinated, and affordable to all the individuals and families in our community, both in and outside the office, electronically or face-to-face.

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We believe the patient is the center of care, not the doctor. We will not prescribe an unnecessary medication or order a test that doesn’t help make a decision. Too many time tests are done “just to know”, without any clear goal (in reality, many are done because the insurance company will pay for them). A test is done to understand a persons risk factors, to make a treatment decision, or to improve their quality of life. 

Communication is the center of care, not drugs or tests. We have a story to tell and want to hear yours. We honor the connection with you and our collective community. We value shared decision making and integrity.